Hang the baby cloud on the bar of The 1st Play Baby Gym and let baby gaze into the sky and float away on an imaginary cloud of sounds, touches and visuals.
The small bell inside creates the most quiet and comforting sound that reminisce sounds of whispering rain or a far away floating river. The soft touch of sound is comforting for tiny ears and encourage baby to narrate its own fantasy.
Use the baby cloud to stimulate your child’s imagination with soothing sounds and pleasing visuals. The soft and natural materials gives warmth to tiny baby hands and the small beads encourage the child to explore and create their own unique stories.
Baby Cloud is handmade in Denmark, using good weave - certified and 100% pure eco-friendly lambswool beads from New Zealand. The bells are tied together with an all natural leather cord, making it absolutely free of any chemicals.
Baby Cloud is the first addition to the new Loullou Toy Range - an all audible and sound stimulating toy series, designed to evoke you child’s imagination.
Size: approx. 5.5cm.